MOT Props Website Makeover

Revitalizing inventory management and website aesthetics for seamless expansion.
Key Skills: Design, User Experience, Operations Strategy, Marketing & Branding, Business Development. 


    Mot Designs is events and set design company. over the last 10 years of working in this industry, MOT designs has collected a mass of props used for various sets and events. In order to expand the business Mot Designs wants to begin renting out their props to other creatives in the set design and events industry. They had an existing website which hosted listings for all the props available for rent however it hadn’t been updated in months and lacked a clear branding and marketing strategy.


    To assist MOT Designs in expanding their business into prop rentals, several challenges were initially identified. The first was the need to establish an efficient back-of-house inventory and cataloging system to ensure accurate representation of available props on the website. When looking at the existing website I also found outdated listings with no pictures or descriptions, causing confusion. Additionally, the website lacked a clear branding identity and aesthetic coherence, resulting in a disjointed and unprofessional online presence. Furthermore, there was an absence of a structured marketing strategy for promoting the website, which meant it wasn't reaching its full potential in terms of visibility and attracting potential customers.


    In response to these challenges, a multifaceted approach was undertaken. First, I undertook the task of creating a barcoding system to organize the back of house system. Next I enhanced the website's aesthetics by revisiting each prop listing. This involved upgrading the visual quality of images, providing detailed descriptions, and implementing SEO keyword. I then collaborated with the founder to create and implement a branding guide, enhancing the overall presentation and layout of the website. To bolster online presence and attract a broader audience, I also developed and executed a social media and email marketing strategy. These solutions aimed to not only resolve the identified problems but also position MOT Designs for successful expansion into the prop rental market.

Check out the website & Instagram by clicking on the images below!

Refreshed Landing Page

Detailed Product Page

Introductory Instagram Posts 

Email Marketing Campaign