Alternative Milk Infographic 

Understanding the impact of data and design on consumer preferences.
Key Skills: Comparative analysis, excel, information visualization, visual trend analysis, wireframing.

Project Overview:

Our team embarked on a project to create a visual guide comparing popular choices within a chosen category. The objective was to engage the audience with insightful comparisons and aid in decision-making. Driven by personal interest as an alternative milk consumer, this project aimed to compare various alternative milk options, focusing on health, nutrition, and sustainability. The project targeted the environmentally conscious upper-middle-class demographic, leveraging social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram for outreach.



Thorough research delved into the nutritional aspects and sustainability credentials of alternative milks. The analysis aimed to provide clarity amidst the burgeoning options in the market. Crafted with precision, the infographic balanced information clarity with visual appeal.



Following circulation to the public, the results revealed a clear preference. Oatly emerged as the favorite for taste, while Califia Farms gained recognition for its perceived health benefits. This outcome highlights the nuanced preferences within the target audience and offers valuable insights for further analysis.